I’m going to go out on a limb and assume this might not be your first time looking for answers about why you feel so crappy. Welcome – you’re among friends.
I’ll get to the point:
I make a difference in my clients’ lives because frankly, I’ve been there.
I’ve been faced with the struggle of just not feeling great, but unable to figure out why. I’ve faced the terrifying reality of an auto-immune disease that – due to stress! – left me wondering if I would lose my sight. I felt helpless to change anything, and even worse, I felt completely HOPEless that I’d ever be truly healthy again. Sound familiar?
I understand what negative emotions and stresses can do to your body, because I’ve walked in your shoes. And that’s what makes me so passionate and downright emotional about helping my clients get out of those dark places, because many of you don’t realize how you got there in the first place. You also feel helpless, and hopeless. You feel like you have to figure it out on your own, or that you are the only one struggling.
The truth is,
all of us have issues that threaten our mental, physical and emotional well being.
The good news is that it’s not really your fault. Most of us – myself included – weren’t brought up with a solid understanding of food, and how choices in what we eat mean the difference between just making it through the day and leading a truly happy, productive, energetic life.
We will discover what your goals are because frankly that was what prevented me from getting better. I always felt like I was not good enough, and when someone finally asked me what “good enough” meant, I realized I didn’t know. I wasn’t getting anywhere because I literally had no destination.
I teach you how to be your best self, one step at a time, within a goal-driven program that is unique to you and you alone. We’ll figure out what your destination is, and how to enjoy the ride to get there. Often the results go well beyond just “good enough” to GREAT!!
I look forward to working with you, side by side, to discover how great you can feel!
– Carolyn
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